Monday 3 March 2014

Spring Forward and put back!

Oops sorry everyone, my bad.  I posted by COC styling a little hastily, in error, so you will have to wait until the weekend.

I have decided instead to post my Spring Awakening styling for the Fashion Teller open casting. This was perhaps the most challenging styling I have ever had to do, and involved me deconstructing trees (yes, totally true!).

I wanted to visualise the Goddess Flora, awaking bright and shining from the waking earth, radiant and flower covered.  This tested my photographic skills to the limit too.  Here is my entry, which very happily resulted in me getting an invite to join the Fashion Teller Models group :)

Elemental Gown - Earth - Ghee

Petunia Outfit - White - Caverna Obscura (shoulder pieces, necklace, Leafy underpants)

Katy - *{ SeVered GarDeN}* - Flower Skirt, Flower Top, Bracelets and Hair Flowers x6 used in vegetation 'skirt'

Vegetation 'Skirt' made from pieces of full perm Sakura Tree by Mitsuko Kytori, and full perm mesh flowers from Flowers+Leaves (mesh) kit - BuilderKit Alliance

Birds Nest - full perm - FLECHA

Fairy Flower Hair / Love Antlers - Boudoir

Elegant Stone Bindi - Baby Blue - Soedara

Makeup - Mons, Madrid Solo, [TAXI TAXI]

Slink Hands

First Colour of Couture Challenge

We got information of our Colour of Couture Challenges in advance, and I am really excited by them all, to the extent that I am having to sit on my hands and not do about five at once!

The first Challenge is a photo challenge.  We have been asked to do a styling inspired by the Spring 2014 'Artisanal' Collection by Maison Martin.

I loved the crazy but oh so clever mix of patterns and colours in this collection, and the adventurous mixing of boho with avante garde.  The shapes are strong and deconstructed, and the use of colours in the fabric mixes and tattoos, together with the gold and metallic foils, the fringing and the beading make for a very rich effect.  A collection that on paper shouldn't work, but in the hands of a master designer knits and balances together in a dazzling sophisticated play of fabrics and shapes, patterns and textures.

I decided to focus mainly on the boho feel and pattern interplay in this styling, together with the deconstructed feel of this Maison Martin collection designs.  


2 Svara dress - forest - Zaara  

[femme] Asmita Sari - Brown/Teal - 22769

React - Lyrical B!zarre (sleeves, re-textured)

Mesh Beanie Hat - Audrey multicoloured -  Immerschoen-BodyCult

Aradhana Jewels - gold Maangtikka - Mashooka

Gypsy Earrings - Multi/Gold - Earthstones

Giordana Ankle Boots - gold - INDI Designs

Makeup - Mock, Soiree, Beautiful Deluxe

Hands - Slink